TRACE and ECCS Africa Partner to Promote Anti-Briber Compliance in the Region
ECCS Africa is an official training partner of TRACE, the globally recognized business association dedicated to commercial transparency. Through this partnership ECCS Africa offers introductory and advanced compliance training options to local business and compliance professionals.
TRACE is a globally recognized anti-bribery business association and leading provider of shared-cost third party risk management solutions. Members and clients include over 500 multinational companies located worldwide. TRACE is headquartered in the United States and registered in Canada, with a presence on five continents.

Compliance Training
ABC Essentials
TRACE Anti-Bribery Compliance Essentials is a short online course designed for those seeking a top-level understanding of key concepts in anti-bribery compliance. Offering nine introductory-level modules all taught by subject matter experts in the field of anti-bribery compliance, the curriculum addresses core concepts equipping graduates with a baseline knowledge in one of the most high-risk areas of compliance exposure faced by companies today. The certificate enableslearners to bridge one’s professional career advancement while demonstrating specialized subject matter knowledge.
The certificate is awarded by TRACE, the internationally recognized anti-bribery standard setting organization, and supported by TASA: TRACE Anti-Bribery Specialist Accreditation.
TASA: TRACE Anti-Bribery Specialist Accreditation® is a comprehensive and rigorous yearlong training and accreditation program that offers a professional credential for antibribery compliance specialists.
Designed to be completed entirely online and offering more than 100 courses taught by a world-renowned faculty of industry and subject matter experts, TASA enables professionals working in this growing field to distinguish themselves with demonstrated expertise and credibility.
The accreditation is awarded by TRACE, the internationally recognized anti-bribery standard setting organization, and is supported by the TASA Advisory Committee.
TASA is divided into two substantive phases— Phase One: Fundamental Courses, and Phase Two: Advanced Courses.
The accreditation process requires that candidates complete a minimum of 20 credits of coursework and pass both phase examinations with a minimum of 85%. A third optional phase of the program focuses on specializations by region (LatAm, Europe and AsiaPac), subject matter (Business Integrity & Risk) and/or industry expertise (Oil, Gas & Energy; Financial Services; Life Sciences; Aerospace & Defense; and Tech & Telecom).
Upon becoming TASA accredited, candidates may pursue a specialization by completing five hours of coursework and passing a quiz for each specialization.
- PHASE ONE includes 11 “Fundamental” courses, each addressing foundational anti-bribery/anti-corruption concepts, including anti-corruption compliance, gifts and hospitality, due diligence, transparency, ethical behavior, internal investigations, conflicts of interest, and internal controls.
- PHASE TWO covers “Advanced” concepts with anti-bribery implications, including contract negotiation, whistleblowers, M&A, joint ventures, cross-border investigations, voluntary disclosure, compliance audits, risk assessment, sanctions and customs issues.
TASA offers over 100 introductory, advanced and specialized courses, including:
- Conflicts of Interest
- Toxic Transactions: Bribery, Extortion, and the High Price of Bad Business
- How to Promote Transparency and Inspire Ethical Behavior Through a Compliance and Ethics Framework
- Third Party Due Diligence: A Practical Approach for Managing and Mitigating Anti-Bribery Risks
- Gifts & Hospitality in the Anti-Bribery Context
- Conducting Effective Cross-Border Investigations
- Anti-Bribery Compliance Audits: A Checklist of Essentials
- FCPA Financial Risk Assessment
- Economic Sanctions
- SECs Increased Enforcement of Internal Controls
- LATAM :How to Create and Manage a Sustainable Anti-Corruption Compliance Program for your Latin America Operations
- EUROPE : TRACE Bribe, Swindle or Steal Podcast Course Series – Spotlight on Germany
- ASIAPAC:FCPA Compliance Recommendations for Multi-National Organizations with Chinese Business Operations
- OIL, GAS & ENERGY: Global Anti-Bribery Compliance Training for Shipping and Logistics
- FINANCIAL SERVICES :Anti-Corruption Risk for Private Equity Firms Dealing with Sovereign Wealth Funds
- LIFE SCIENCES :The Other Anti-Bribery Litigation:Understanding Risk & Exposure Under the False Claims Act
- TECH & TELECOM :Third Party Anti-Bribery Compliance Audits: How to Draft and Enforce Audit Clauses
- BUSINESS RISK & AUDIT :What you Should Know about Offshore Shell Corporations
- AEROSPACE & DEFENSE :Offsets, Charitable Donations, and Other Foreign Government Requests
*New online courses are frequently added, ensuring that the TASA curriculum addresses recent developments in the field and provides the most up-to-date information. Renewal candidates may also attend live TASA accredited conferences to accumulate credits.
Students have 12 months from their application approval date to complete the program and pass both phase
Associate members are not eligible for accreditation. This membership option includes one year of access to all TASA online courses.